Animal Traction in South Africa
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Resources available on animal traction in South Africa
Some of these documents derive from ATNESA workshops or the workshops of the West Africa Animal Traction Network. Some have been prepared by animal traction specialists for other collaborating organisations or networks. 
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Most papers have file sizes between 150 kb and 500 kb. Depending on the speed of your connection, these files will take between one and four minutes to download. Papers with photographs generally have larger files and these are marked in yellow (over one megabyte) or red (over two megabytes) and these will take longer to download. 

Profitability of using animal traction under smallholder farming conditions in Eastern Cape, South Africa  
       by T.E. Simalenga, A. Belete, N.A. Mseleni and L.L. Jongisa
Mechanising agriculture using animal traction and small scale irrigation **  360 kb
      by A.B.D. Joubert and T.E. Simalenga
The role of animal traction in the Molopo district in North-West Province, South Africa 
   by M. L. Makaota and D. Motiang
Management of draught animals: a welfare and health perspective in South Africa 153-162
  by M. James and R.C. Krecek
Strategies to improve the effectiveness of supplementary feeding for working cattle in semi-arid 
crop/livestock systems

  by S. Israel and R.A. Pearson
The Great Bophuthatswana Donkey Massacre

    by Nancy Jacobs
The horse-drawn hitch cart  
  by B Joubert

Conservation tillage research and development in South-Africa
    by Richard Fowler
Animal draft power in South Africa: past, present and future
    by Richard Fowler
Animal-drawn herbicide applicators for use in small-scale farmer weed control systems
    by Richard M Fowler
Weed control by smallholder farmers in Ciskei, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
    by A B D Joubert
Extension methods for improving the welfare of traction animals
    by Cheryl M E McCrindle and Limakatso E Moorosi
The 'Golovan' one-ox cart
    by Bruce Joubert
The use of donkeys for transport in South Africa
    by Dirk Hanekom
Response to demand: meeting farmers
Eneed for donkeys in southern Africa
    by Peta A Jones
Socio-economic and health aspects of donkeys in North-West and Eastern Cape Provinces, South Africa
    by DonnEWells,R C Krecek and J A Kneale
Animal traction in South Africa: overview of the key issues
    by Paul Starkey, Funiwe Jaiyesimi-Njobe and Dirk Hanekom
The donkey in South Africa: myths and misconceptions. *453 kb*
    by Paul Starkey
Animal traction in South Africa: the present situation (1995) **2.2 Mb**
    by Paul Starkey P, Hanekom D, Lake T, Meikle G and Jaiyesimi-Njobe F
Socio-economic aspects of animal traction in South Africa
   by Funiwe Jaiyesimi-Njobe

An historical perspective on animal power use in South Africa
*450 kb*
    by Bruce Joubert
Animal traction in South Africa: the way forward
    by Paul Starkey and Johan Koorts
Animal Traction in South Africa: References
The potential for animal power in small-scale mining in southern Africa
        K C Taupitz450

See also SANAT publications and workshops

See also Conservation Tillage report and proceedings

Animal traction contacts in South Africa

South African Network of Animal Traction (SANAT)
(Attn Bruce JOUBERT, SANAT Secretariat)
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Fort Hare
Private Bag X1314, Alice 5700, SOUTH AFRICA
Tel: + 27-40-6022085; Fax: + 27-40-6531730;
Cell: 0822003646

Mr N K Seobi (SANAT Chair)
Dept. of Agric. Cons. & Environ
Private Bag X 2039, Mmabatho, 2735, South Africa
018-3895724; 018-3845387; 0825729609

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